Escape (The Piña Colada Song)

Rupert Holmes

{title: Escape (The Piña Colada Song)}
{artist: Rupert Holmes}

[A]I was tired of my [D]Lady, we’d been together too [A]long
Like a worn-out re[D]cording, of a favor[A]ite song.
So while she lay there sle[D]eping, I read the paper [A]in bed.
And in the personals c[D]olumn, there was this letter [A]I read:
[A]“If you like Pina C[D]oladas, and getting caught in the [A]rain. If you’re not into [D]yoga, if you have half-a-[A]brain. If you like making love at m[D]idnight, in the dunes of t[A]he cape. I’m the lady you’ve look[D]ed for, write to me, an[A]d escape.”

{start_of_tab} A|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0---|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0-| E|-0-2--------|-----------0-|-0-2--------|-----------| C|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| G|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| {end_of_tab} [A] I didn’t think about my[D] lady, I know that sounds kind of[A] mean. Me and my old [D]lady, had fallen into the same old d[A]ull routine. So I wrote to the p[D]aper, took out a personal [A] Ad. I know I'm nobody’s [D] poet, I thought it wasn’t half[A]bad.
[A]“Yes, I like Pina Co[D]ladas, and getting caught in the [A]rain. I’m not much into health [D]food, I am into cha[A]mpagne. I’ve got to meet you by tomo[D]rrow noon, and cut through all this [A]red tape. At a bar called O’M[D]alley’s, where we’ll plan our [A]escape.”

{start_of_tab} A|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0---|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0-| E|-0-2--------|-----------0-|-0-2--------|-----------| C|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| G|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| {end_of_tab} [A]So I waited with high [D]hopes, then she walked in the [A]place. I knew her smile in an [D]instant, I knew the curve of her [A]face. It was my own lovely l[D]ady, and she said, “Oh, it’s you[A].” And we laughed for a [D]moment, and I said, “I never kne[A]w”.
[A]“That you liked Pina Col[D]adas, and getting caught in the ra[A]in. And the feel of the o[D]cean, and the taste of c[A]hampagne. If you like making love at m[D]idnight, in the dunes of the [A]cape. You’re the love that I’ve looked [D]for, come with me, and e[A]scape.”

{start_of_tab} A|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0---|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0-| E|-0-2--------|-----------0-|-0-2--------|-----------| C|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| G|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| {end_of_tab} [A]“Ah yes, I like Pina C[D]oladas, and getting caught in the r[A]ain. If you’re not into [D]yoga, if you have half-a-[A]brain. If you like making love at mi[D]dnight, in the dunes of the [A]cape. You’re the love that I’ve loo[D]ked for, come with me, an[A]d escape.”

{start_of_tab} A|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0---|-----0--9-7-|-5-4-5-4-0-| E|-0-2--------|-----------0-|-0-2--------|-----------| C|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| G|------------|-------------|------------|-----------| {end_of_tab}

Garnock Valley Ukulele Club

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