Within You Without You

The Beatles

{title: Within You Without You}
{artist: The Beatles}
{define: C4 frets 0 0 1 3 fingers 0 0 1 3}
{define: C5 frets 0 0 3 3 fingers 0 0 2 3}
{define: C2 frets 0 2 3 3 fingers 0 1 2 3}
{define: F4 frets 3 0 1 1 fingers 4 0 1 1}
{define: FC frets 2 0 1 3 fingers 2 0 1 4}

[C]We [C4]were [C5]talk[C7]ing
[C6]about [C]the [C5]space [C2]be[C5]tween [C4]us [C]all
[C]And [C4]the [C5]peo[C7]ple [C6]who [C]hide [C5]themselves [C2]be[C5]hind [C4]a [C]wall

Garnock Valley Ukulele Club

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